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Our key figures
In fiscal year 2017, the Volkswagen Group delivered 10.7 million vehicles to customers worldwide and achieved a new record.
As of December 31, 2017, the Volkswagen Group, including the Chinese joint ventures, employed 642.3 thousand people. Therefore it is one of the world’s largest employers in the private sector.
Sales revenue
In fiscal year 2017, the Volkswagen Group’s sales revenue increased by 6.2% year-on-year to €230.7 billion due to volume-related factors.
The Magazine
“Face the change”
is the motto of the 2018 magazine. It is a twofold motto. On the one hand, it expresses our firm resolve to tackle change together. And on the other, it reminds us that good, genuine, sustainable change always comes from people, for people.
Operating profit
In the reporting period, the Volkswagen Group generated an operating profit before special items of €17.0 billion; an increase of €2.4 billion compared to 2016.
Net liquidity
On December 31, 2017, the Automotive Division’s net liquidity was at a solid level of €22.4 billion.