46 Remuneration of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board
![]() |
€ |
2017 |
2016 |
Board of Management remuneration |
Non-performance-related remuneration |
14,337,116 |
18,093,835 |
Performance-related remuneration |
15,844,041 |
21,453,778 |
Long-term incentive component |
20,104,770 |
– |
50,285,927 |
39,547,612 |
Supervisory Board remuneration |
Non-performance-related remuneration |
3,516,389 |
709,346 |
Performance-related remuneration |
270,450 |
4,687,220 |
3,786,839 |
5,396,565 |
The non-performance-related remuneration of the Board of Management comprises fixed remuneration and fringe benefits. In addition to the basic level of remuneration, the fixed remuneration also includes differing levels of remuneration for appointments assumed at Group companies. The prior-year figure also includes an amount of €6.3 million to compensate Ms. Hohmann-Dennhardt for lost entitlements resulting from the change in employer. The fringe benefits result from the grant of noncash benefits and include in particular the use of operating assets such as company cars and the payment of insurance premiums. Taxes due on these noncash benefits were mainly borne by Volkswagen AG.
Performance-related remuneration includes the annual bonus with a one-year assessment period. The long-term incentive component contains the long-term incentive (LTI) in the form of a performance share plan with a forward-looking three-year term. The performance shares granted to the incumbent members of the Board of Management under the new remuneration system in 2017 were recognized at their fair value of €20.1 million at the grant date; this amount represents remuneration under German GAAP.
At its meeting on April 22, 2016, Volkswagen AG’s Supervisory Board accepted the offer made by the members of the Board of Management to withhold 30% of the variable remuneration for fiscal year 2015 for the Board of Management members active on the date of the resolution and to make its disposal subject to future share price performance by means of phantom shares. The resulting effects on remuneration were reported as appropriate in previous years.
In fiscal year 2017, expenses of €43.8 million were recognized for the performance shares and of €2.0 million for the phantom shares. If these expenses exceed the fair value of the performance shares at the grant date, they do not represent remuneration under German GAAP and are therefore not included in the tables above.
As in the previous year, no interest-free advances were paid to members of the Board of Management.
As a result of its regular review of the Supervisory Board remuneration, the Supervisory Board proposed a reorganization of the system of Supervisory Board remuneration to the 2017 Annual General Meeting, which was approved on May 10, 2017 with 99.98 % of the votes cast. The remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG no longer contains any performance-related remuneration components but consists entirely of non-performance-related remuneration components. Remuneration for supervisory board work at subsidiaries continues to comprise a mix of non-performance-related and performance-related components.
The remuneration disclosed for members of the Supervisory Board for 2016 shows the amounts determined on the basis of the old system of Supervisory Board remuneration. The members of the Supervisory Board declared to the Management Board that they would waive the portion of their remuneration for fiscal year 2016 that exceeds the amount that would have resulted for fiscal year 2016 from implementing the system of Supervisory Board remuneration resolved by the Annual General Meeting on May 10, 2017 with retroactive effect to January 1, 2017. The total amount waived for 2016 by all members of the Supervisory Board is €1.2 million. Mr. Pötsch additionally waived an amount of €0.1 million of his variable remuneration for fiscal year 2016 and waived his remuneration for fiscal year 2017 in full. The reason for this waiver is the agreement made in connection with Mr. Pötsch’s transfer from the Management Board to the Supervisory Board as of October 8, 2015, which specified that the amount of Supervisory Board remuneration received up to December 31, 2017 would be deducted from the compensation payment to which he would have been entitled for the period from October 8, 2015 to December 31, 2017.
On December 31, 2017, the pension provisions for members of the Board of Management in accordance with IFRSs amounted to €125.4 million (previous year: €113.5 million). Current pensions are index-linked in accordance with the index-linking of the highest collectively agreed salary insofar as the application of section 16 of the Gesetz zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Altersversorgung (BetrAVG – German Company Pension Act) does not lead to a larger increase.
Former members of the Board of Management and their surviving dependents received €19.9 million (previous year: €11.1 million). This includes the amounts promised to Ms. Hohmann-Dennhardt in connection with her departure from the Board of Management. Ms. Hohmann-Dennhardt received non-performance-related remuneration of €2.1 million and performance-related remuneration of €4.9 million for the period from February 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018.
Pension provisions in accordance with IFRSs for this group of individuals amounted to €269.0 million (previous year: €270.0 million).
The individual remuneration of the members of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board is explained in the remuneration report in the management report. A comprehensive assessment of the individual bonus components and of the LTI in the form of the performance share plan can also be found there.